Modern classics in bleaching products. The time proven formula with a soft bleaching effect always guarantees the best results without damaging your hair. This product is developed in accordance with a special technology "Easy to use" ensuring a result typical for professional bleaching agents even if used at home. It bleaches from 4 to 6 tones.
With this product you can easily and safely:
• bleach the natural hair colour;
• achieve a lighter colour of already coloured hair;
• prepare the hair for colouring in lighter shade of your initial colour.
Lightens the hair up to 4 levels

Hair bleaching product Blond Time 1+2
Hair Bleaching products Blond Time
Bleaching products
Bleaching products
150 mlHair bleaching product SUPRA BLOND TIME Max Blond
Bleaching products
Lightens up to 7 levels102 mlHair bleaching product Silver effect BLOND TIME
Bleaching products
Lightens the hair up to 4 levels + Silver Effect135 mlHair bleaching product Blond Time 1+2
Bleaching products
Lightens the hair up to 4 levels120 mlColoring Hair SILVER MASK STOP YELLOW Blond Time
Bleaching products
for Blond and Bleached hair200 mlLightening Hair Spray 2 in 1 SUNTOUCH & THERMO FLASH EFFECT Blond Time
Bleaching products
From Natural Dark Brown to Blond hair200 mlSUPER BLOND BLEACHING PASTE Blond Time
Bleaching products
Lightens the hair up to 6 levels135 mlBLOND LIGHTENING OIL Blond Time
Bleaching products
Gently lights the hair up to 4 levels210 mlBLOND NON-AMMONIA LIGHTENING OIL Blond Time
Bleaching products
Gently lights the hair up to 3 levels210 ml